전체 글77 다양한 방식(표현)으로 영작 가능 마을에 우체국이 없다 1. The village does not have a post office. 2. The village has no post office. 3. The village doesn’t have a post office. 4. The village hasn’t got a post office. 5. The village hasn’t got no post office. 6. The village ain’t got no post office. 예문1,2는 정중한 표현 예문3,4는 일상적이고 구어적 느낌 예문5,6은 길거리에서 사용되는 언어 느낌 출처 데이비드 크리스털 2021. 2. 3. 'on' vs 'upon' on = upon They mean the same thing / interchangeable however, 'upon' is more formal than 'on'. He depends on his mother for support at home. = (same meaning) He depend upon his mother for support at home. (more formal) Upon need to use 'upon' sparingly(not much) for literacy effect. some occasions where only upon will work. - upon is used to emphasize a large number or amount of something. ex) m.. 2021. 2. 1. once once 다양한 문장에서 사용되는 once의 의미, 감각, 뉘앙스를 겪어보세요. 영어와 한국어는 일대일 대응 관계가 아닙니다. 영어적 감각에 노출되어 익히고, 파악한 뉘앙스를 한국말 의미로 전환한다고 생각해 보세요. I've only been there once. He cleans his car once a week. I once met your mother. He once lived in Zambia. This book was famous once, but nobody reads it today. He never once offered to help. If she once decides to do something, you won't change her mind. We didn't know how we.. 2021. 2. 1. What의 관용적 용법 What의 관용적 용법 1. what we call, what is called = 소위, 이른바 Is it what we/you/they call the Space Shuttle? = Is it what is called the Space Shutte? = Is it so-called the Space Shutte? What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down. What were called experts couldn't tell us what was wrong. 2. [A is to B What C is to D] = A와 B의 관계는 C와 D의 관계와 같다. Reading is to the mind what food is to.. 2021. 1. 27. Be off Be off 는 어떤 뜻으로 쓰일까요? 다음 두 문장을 해석해보세요. When are you off? VS Where are you off to? 두 문장 모두 쉬운 어휘로 구성되어 있지만, 해석이 쉽지 않으신가요? 그렇다면 off의 뜻을 정확히 알지 못한다는 의미입니다. Be off 는 두 가지 뜻이 있습니다. 1. 쉬다. I'm off tomorrow. 나 내일 쉬어. I'm off this weekend. 이번 주말에 쉬어. When are you off? 언제 쉬니? 2. 가다. I'm off. 나 갈께. I'm off to New York. 나 뉴욕으로 가. Where are you off to? 어디가? 2021. 1. 2. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 다음