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2021년 고1 3월 모의고사 35번 35.다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Today’s music business has allowed musicians to take matters into their own hands. ①Gone are the days of musicians waiting for a gatekeeper (someone who holds power and prevents you from being let in) at a label or TV show to say they are worthy of the spotlight. ②In today’s music business, you don’t need to ask for permission to build a fanbase and you no longer need.. 2021. 4. 17.
2021년 고1 3월 모의고사 34번 34. It is important to distinguish between being legally allowed to do something, and actually being able to go and do it. A law could be passed allowing everyone, if they so wish, to run a mile in two minutes. That would not, however, increase their effective freedom, because, although allowed to do so, they are physically incapable of it. Having a minimum of restrictions and a maximum of possi.. 2021. 4. 17.
2021년 고1 3월 모의고사 33번 33. Scientists believe that the frogs’ ancestors were water­dwelling, fishlike animals. The first frogs and their relatives gained the ability to come out on land and enjoy the opportunities for food and shelter there. But they ______________________________________________. A frog’s lungs do not work very well, and it gets part of its oxygen by breathing through its skin. But for this kind of “.. 2021. 4. 17.
2021년 고1 3월 모의고사 32번 32.. When a child is upset, the easiest and quickest way to calm them down is to give them food. This acts as a distraction from the feelings they are having, gives them something to do with their hands and mouth and shifts their attention from whatever was upsetting them. If the food chosen is also seen as a treat such as sweets or a biscuit, then the child will feel ‘treated’ and happier. In t.. 2021. 4. 17.